Monday, September 11, 2006

Only One Life

Life without God is a meaningless life. We are just a pilgrim in this world. We are just passing through. Our life is so short that we need to live the most of it, for others and most of all for God. The word of God tells us that the moment we receive Christ as our Savior and Lord, we have eternal life... and that means we are eternal being.. and eternal being are suppose to spend their time and effort for eternal things.. and eternal things according to the word of God are the things which are not seen... things we do for God.. things that really matters and last for eternity. So... let us be careful on where we are spending our time and effort.. We have ONLY ONE LIFE...

It matters so little how much you may own.
The places you've been or the people you've known.
For it all comes to nothing, when placed at His feet.
It's nothing to Jesus, just memories to keep.

Only one life so soon it will pass.
Only what's done for Christ will last
Only one chance to do his will.
So give to Jesus all your days
Its the only life that pays.
When you recall, you have
but one life.

You may take all the treasures, from far away land.
Take all the riches you can hold in your hand.
And take all the pleasures, your money can buy.
But what will you have, when its your time to die.

The days pass so swiftly. The months come and go.
The years melt away like a new fallen snow.
Spring turns to summer and summer to fall.
Atumn brings winter then death comes to call.


Crystal's Ministry Updates said...

I really appreciated the fact that you posted this song! What a reminder about what really matters-living for Jesus is all that matters!
Blessings to you!
Crystal Vorgert

Omega A. Delfin said...

This is my life's theme song. Thank you for posting this. We only have one life to live, so let it be for Jesus!!!